About Journal

Journal title: Journal of Social Continuity and Change (JSCC)

License holder: Yazd University

Published by: Yazd University, in collaboration with Population Association of Iran

Publication Permission No.: 87903

Frequency of publication: Two issues per year

Start of publication: Spring and summer 2022

Content access: Full open access journal

Publication fees: There are no article processing charge

Journal email: JSCC@journals.yazd.ac.ir

ISSN(P): 2783-3259

 ISSN(E): 2783-3100


Journal of Social Continuity and Change (JSCC) is published by Yazd University in collaboration with Population Association of Iran in two issues per year. JSCC accepts scientific and specialized manuscripts in the fields of social continuity and change in Farsi and English languages. The review process is done anonymously with at least two referees.

JSCC publishes theoretical and empirical research articles based on a wide range of common methodological approaches in social sciences: quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method, interpretive, advanced statistical analysis. Also, critical discussions about various aspects of social continuity and change as well as articles written based on other methodological innovations, will be welcomed by the JSCC. The subject area of articles can be ranged from micro to macro level of analysis; from behaviors and relationships to values and attitudes; as well as other articles which analyze processes, causes and consequences of continuity and change in social life. Also, articles that analyze the time trends of changes in economic, social, cultural and demographic indicators and processes, as well as articles that pay attention to the management and policymaking of social changes or their consequences, are welcomed in this Journal.