Utilizing Models of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship in Women's Empowerment, Case study: India

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, University of Sistan and Baluchestan; Zahedan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Anthropology & Member of Research Institute for Social Policy and Social Studies, Allameh Tabataba'i University; Tehran, Iran

3 Master of Sociology, University of Sistan and Baluchestan; Zahedan, Iran


Background and Aim: A look at a set of global experiences shows that innovation and social entrepreneurship can be used as strategies to empower and improve the status of women. To this end, the present article examines India's experiences in the field of women's empowerment based on the use of innovation and social entrepreneurship models.
Methods and Data: This research has been done with a descriptive-analytical approach and to collect information in it, documentary method and library studies have been used. The statistical population of this research is the existing or accessible writings, documents and experimental data that were related to the subject of the research. Thematic analysis method was used to analyze the data analytically.
Findings: The findings of this study show that India in 2001has approved the National Policy for the Empowerment of Women and has created a bank for women to solve their financial problems. In addition, in India, an association has been formed to develop skills for women in new businesses, and women in this country can easily sell their products through an electronic portal. Also, in this country, successful women entrepreneurs, regardless of their level of education, are recruited to train other women entrepreneurs and share their experiences with them.
Conclusion: The study and analysis of India's experiences in the field of women's empowerment shows an attention to the models of innovation and social entrepreneurship at various levels and areas such as science and technology, economics and politics, communications, etc.
Key Message: One of the main methods of empowering citizens is entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship based on social innovation and with an emphasis on women is a big step towards social development. Using global experiences, especially India, will make this way clearer.


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