Spatial Differences of Quality of Life in Urban Tissues of Nowshahr, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran


Background and Aim: This study aims to examine the spatial differences in the quality of life of citizens in three urban tissues (old, middle and modern) of Nowshahr a city in Mazandaran Province, Iran. It also examines the impact of artificial environment conditions, such as infrastructure, services, and facilities, on the quality of life of citizens in different urban tissues. Considering the differences in the physical, social, cultural and economic conditions of these tissues, assessing the quality of life indicators can provide better and more efficient thematic and local programs to enhance the quality of life of the citizens.
Methods and Data: The study employed a survey method to gather data from individuals aged 20 and above residing in Nowshahr's three urban areas (old, middle, and modern). A sample size of 380 was determined using Cochran's formula.
Findings: The results indicate that the quality of life for citizens is unsatisfactory in both objective and subjective dimensions, regardless of whether they reside in old or new urban areas in Nowshahr. However, the situation is slightly different in the middle urban area. Analysis of the impact of background variables on quality of life reveals that these variables can have varying influences depending on the type of urban tissue and residents' location.
Conclusion: This research highlights the importance of considering both the characteristics of the built environment and living place, as well as the individual and social characteristics of people, in urban planning, especially in social planning. It is crucial to take a holistic approach to ensure that urban environments are designed to meet the needs of all individuals and communities. This can help us to build more livable and sustainable cities for everyone.
Key Message: Urban environments are complex systems that need diverse and context-specific approaches and methods to improve the quality of life and urban environments. Understanding these complexities is crucial for comprehending the city and developing strategies that promote social harmony and continuity, ultimately leading to cohesive urban communities.


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