School and Reconstructing Students' Subjectivity in Social Participation (Qualitative Study of Isfahan Schools)

Document Type : Original Article


1 MA in Social Planning and Welfare, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran


Background and Aim: The realization of development in all its dimensions in general and the achievement of social welfare in particular, depend on the extensive support and participation of social actors. The realization of participation depends on the creation of the necessary infrastructure and the necessary spaces. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the subjectivity of school students in the field of social participation. Gaining such an understanding of the basic requirements of policy-making focuses on development and social welfare and ultimately social participation.
Methods and Data: To achieve the desired goal, researchers have conducted a field study of high schools in Isfahan using two techniques of critical content analysis and a variety of in-depth interviewing techniques. The critical approach to educational policy focuses on issues such as social reproduction in the educational policy process. In-depth interview techniques such as problem-oriented, narrative and episodic interviews and participatory observation have also been used to collect information from the research field.
Findings: School is the continuation of the ruling order and the revolutionary discourse based on social participation in the power in Iranian schools has slowly given way to the discourse of success in which there is basically no place for participation.
Conclusion: Letters, rules, teachers' living conditions and school privatization, school management, teachers, teachers, physical space, school time, and even media space are subsumed under the concept of school space, students towards individuality This study has further removed any participatory indicators such as empathy, self-sacrifice and trust from the school environment.
Key Message: The education system space is becoming de-participative and the participatory and empathic elements have been replaced with discourse of success. In this article, it has shown that how the educational system is defined under the discourse of success.


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