Mass Media, Social Comparison and Emotional Divorce among Married Women in Shiraz: Implications for Continuity and Well-being of Families

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Master of Sociology, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


Background and Aim: Emotional divorce can disrupt the continuity of relationships between couples and untimately lead to legal divorce. It can also affect the functions of families, such as the socialization of children, which is essential for a healthy society. This study aims to examine the role of mass media in the relationship between social comparison and emotional divorce among married women. The theoretical framework is based on Collins' perspective and objective self-awareness.
Methods and Data: The study used a survey method and a multi-stage cluster sampling method to select 800 married women from 11 districts of Shiraz. Emotional divorce was measured by the Gutman scale.
Findings: The results showed that more than 39% of the respondents had a medium or high level of emotional divorce. The multivariate regression model revealed that husband's presence in the family, husband's comparison with others, husband's comparison of the respondent with others, and husband's level of education could explain about 33% of the variance in emotional divorce.
Conclusion: The study suggests that social comparison is a factor that influences emotional divorce among couples. Mass media, such as television, satellite, and social networks, can affect the way couples compare themselves with others and their spouses.
Key Message: Emotional divorce is a serious threat to families and society. It can be influenced by social comparison and mass media. Reducing this phenomenon can help maintain the continuity and well-being of families.


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