The Role of Internet and Virtual Social Networks in Changing the Pattern of Mate Selection in Kermanshah, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Sociology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran


Background and Aim: Today, the virtual world has significantly affected our lives, from the ease of access to information to the interaction between people around the world. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of internet and virtual social networks in changing the pattern of dating and spouse choice among the youth in Kermanshah, Iran.
Methods and Data: The research method was quantitative and data collection was done through survey questionnaire. The sample size was 380 persons who referred to marriage registry offices in Kermanshah in 2020. An important indicator of the research was the level of familiarity with the spouse in the cyberspace whose validity and reliability were assessed using face validity as well as factor analysis and Cronbach's alpha.
Findings: Findings of the study showed that respondents' use of internet and social networks was 2.86 hours per day. 13% of respondents had met their spouse through virtual social networks. The proportion was higher for men, those who had freelance jobs and those who had higher incomes. Women were more familiar with their spouses through cyberspace were at age group 20-30, university educated and upper class. The correlation coefficient between respondents' use of cyberspace and their familiarity with spouse was 0.32.
Conclusion: Virtual social networks should be considered in family policy-making instead of denial so that the family suffers less harm.
Key Message: The expansion of virtual social networks has changed the way of interaction and social relations, as well as issues and phenomena such as choosing a spouse that are based on relationships and social interaction, so the role of virtual social networks in family policy should be considered.


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