Homogamy and Redefining Economic Role of Women in Family: A Study in Eslamabad-e Gharb City, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran

2 Masters in Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



Background and Aim: In recent decades, the enhancement of women's economic and social capital has led to their increased empowerment within Iranian society and familial life. This changes in women's roles represents a significant domain of social change within the Iranian family. A woman's economic role in the family seems to be correlates with the level of similarity in social and economic status with her husband and women who hold similar positions and status to her husbands exhibit greater power and independence in decision-making. This research aimed to examine the influence of homogamy on the economic decision-making disparities among women in families in the city of Eslamabad-e Gharb, Kermanshah province, Iran.
Methods and Data: Using quantitative research approach, the study surveyed a statistical population of married women in Eslamabad-e Gharb city in the year 2022. A total of 377 participants were selected through a cluster sampling technique.
Findings: The average decision-making score for women in various economic domains within the family was 3.05 out of 5. Women exhibited higher decision-making scores particularly in purchasing food, children's education, clothing, and household appliances. A higher degree of homogamy was observed in educational backgrounds, as well as in the economic and social foundations of both the wife's and husband's families. Additionally, the number of family members and the birth order of both spouses were influential factors. Notably, women in homogamous marriages demonstrated a greater average in economic decision-making compared to those in non-homogamous unions.
Conclusion: Objective homogamy, defined as the similarity between husband and wife in age, education, income, employment, etc., has increased. This rise has led to shifts in key family decisions, including those related to economics, which were traditionally considered the sole domain of men.
Key Message: Despite persistent gender inequality in family and societal structures, and lower economic participation of women relative to men, women's influence on family economic decisions has grown due to homogamy. Consequently, homogamy may serve as a mechanism for altering traditional family structures and facilitating broader societal change.


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