Determinants and Contexts of the Low Economic Participation Rate of Iranian Women

Document Type : Review Article


Assistant Professor of Demography, National Institute for Population Research, Tehran, Iran



Background and Aim: Studies have shown that that a range of economic, social, and cultural factors determine women's involvement in the workforce. These factors change at varying paces—some gradually over time and others quickly in response to economic and social policy shifts. The primary objective of this study is to identify the reasons and underlying factors for the relatively low rate of economic participation of Iranian women in comparison to other nations.
Methods and Data: This research was conducted using exploratory analysis and a comparative approach, employing an evidence-based systematic review technique. To comprehend the causes, contexts, and foundations of women's low economic participation rate in Iran's labor market, it analyzed the demographic, economic, and social dimensions.
Findings: The findings reveal that a combination of social and cultural factors are responsible for the low participation of women in country's development and their reduced share in Iran's labor market. The small scale of the economy and underrepresentation of women's informal work have also played a significant role. The Influential factors such as the population structure’s impact on the labor market, increased demand for higher education opportunities, and the subsequent raised demand by university graduates to enter the workforce, created a disconnect between the education system and the women's labor market. This disconnect is partly due to developmental pressures and dominant culture and traditions.  Additionally, the unclear link between employment and fertility, job segregation, and limited opportunities for job variety and advancement in upper management for women are key socio-economic and demographic challenges.
Conclusion: To address the barriers to women's employment and underscore their vital role in societal development, it is essential to shift societal culture. There is a need for a commitment to reform that eases women's integration into the development process, reducing the time and material costs of women's employment, and balance work with family life through the adoption of family-friendly policies.
Key Message: The influence of population structure on the labor and employment market, the disconnection between the higher education system and formal employment opportunities for women, as well as other structural barriers are key factors contributing to the low participation rate of Iranian women in the workforce. The small scale of the national economy and the underreporting of women's informal work have further influenced this issue.


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