The Study of the Relationship between Economic Development and Democracy in the World

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran



Background and Aim: This study aims to analyze the hierarchical relationship between economic development and democracy worldwide. Given the intricate and dynamic nature of modern societies, governments face an array of complex issues that demand collaborative resolution with their citizens.  Observations indicate that citizens are more inclined to collaborate with their governments when they perceive them as autonomous and democratic.
Methods and Data: This study employs secondary data analysis, utilizing data from the seventh wave of the World Values Survey (WVS) conducted in 2021. The study examines the influence of economic development on democracy across 48 countries, with a sample size of 69,578 respondents. To test the hypotheses, statistical techniques such as one-way analysis of variance and Pearson's correlation coefficient were applied, along with hierarchical regression for assessing the research model.
Findings: The study reveals a positive and significant correlation between economic development and socio-economic status. Furthermore, there is a positive and significant relationship between socio-economic status with social trust and life satisfaction. These factors—trust, autonomy, and satisfaction—are also strongly correlated with the democratic principles. Hierarchical regression analyses also indicate democracy is directly influenced by the social trust, autonomy, life satisfaction, socio-economic status and economic development, collectively accounting for an 11% variance in democracy.
Conclusion: Economic development influences democracy not just directly, but also indirectly by contributing to the cultural shifts within societies, which in turn can promote democratic progress.
Key Message: The relationship between economic development and democracy in modern societies is a multidimensional and complicate. Raising the level of economic development and achieving a stable economic position impacts the quality of life of its citizens and has led to the promotion of civil culture, which in turn leads to the improvement of the level of democracy within the society.


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