Breast Cancer Experience and Change in Self-concept among Women: A Qualitative Study in the City of Sari, Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A in Social Research, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Sociology, Department of Social Sciences, Research Center for Geography and Social Studies, Hakim Sabzevri University, Sabzevar, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Demography, Department of Social Sciences, Research Center for Geography and Social Studies, Hakim Sabzevri University, Sabzevar, Iran



Background and Aim: The aim of this research is to explore the implications of cancer and the subsequent personal and familial changes resulting from breast surgery and amputation in women with breast cancer in Sari, Iran. In contrast to pre-modern times, where threats and dangers were more direct, the modern era is characterized by a more transparent risk. As risk is conceptualized as a construct shaped within a discourse framework in sociological literature, it is crucial to scrutinize disease as a risk. Doing so allows for a greater emphasis on the social pressures engendered by the disease over the physical affliction, thus deepening our understanding of how disease in the modern context has evolved beyond just physical afflictions.
Methods and Data: The study applied the qualitative grounded theory method to interview 18 women who had undergone mastectomy due to breast cancer. The data gathered through interviews and analysis of the data was conducted in accordance with grounded theory's coding procedures.
Findings: From the data analysis, the main categories identified are: the initial shock and subsequent acceptance, genetic predispositions, feelings of fear and anxiety, the dilemma between hiding and revealing of disease, confronting others' judgments, the burden of shame, the family's dual reactions, sexual repercussions, and economic constraints. The core category emerged as 'Painful encounter and rethinking in relationships between self and others.'
Conclusion: Overall, the results indicate that breast cancer's effects extend beyond the physical, profoundly influencing women's self-identity, familial connections, and societal roles.
Key Message: In contemporary times, the ramifications of the disease are not confined to physical or mental distress but include extensive social pressures. Such pressures have the potential to influence the patient's recovery process. A thorough comprehension of this pressure may lead to strategies that alleviate its impact and enhance the patients' social well-being. This study investigates these issues within a particular patient group.


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