A Duality in Historiography: Exploring the Influence of Structural Ideas (Structuralist and Post-Structuralist) on the Evolution of Historiographical Traditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 PhD Candidate in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran



Background and Aim: Although the concept of structure has always been a focal point in historiographical debates, it is often neglected by methodologists and even historians of philosophy due to its theoretical complexity and its close association with sociology. This research aims to achieve a paradigmatic understanding of historiography, highlighting the impact of structural concepts and their implications on the range of methodological approaches.
Methods and Data: This study employs a documentary method within a qualitative research framework. Data was gathered through an analysis of selected documents and is presented in a narrative form. The study is grounded in the philosophical concepts of history, focusing on two primary hypotheses: a) adaptation, and b) relevance, within the context of the paradigmatic foundations of the human sciences.
Findings: The research identifies two distinct approaches: a) structuralist history, which includes history, social history, and cultural history (primary); and b) post-structuralist history, which encompasses new cultural history.
Conclusion: Constructivist history implies a realistic history related to positivist assumptions in its initial evolution, yet it maintains a logical distance from conventional positivism. On the other hand, post-structuralist history adopts a critical stance towards assumptions, leading to a rethinking of (official) history.
Key Message: The duality of structuralist and post-structuralist history results from developments within the historical paradigm, which are linked to the broader paradigmatic shifts in the humanities such as positivism, interpretation and criticism. Therefore, the critical turn in historiography from the structuralism to poststructuralism can be understood in this framework.


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